Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Intentions for 2012

1.  Enjoy life.  This year I would like to begin a new chapter where the joy I have goes into work and play.  The stress of working more...of scheduling more...of trying to constantly be more...perhaps now is as good a time as any to begin to accept me just as I am...not trying to do anything to prove anything but just being more joyful and allowing that to fuel the doing.    

2.  Be Present.  With four kids and a few part-time jobs I am often pulled from one moment to the next without being present in any of it.  Bringing more of me to the moments will help me to enjoy them and to have more to give to the things I do and to the people I love.  

3.  Be okay with things as they are.  Everything in my life is not perfect and I know that and yet the need to try to maintain some sort of perfection even if it is some warped form has been a balancing act that makes me almost crazy.  What do I need to do to let go of control over things being the way I think they should be...that is a struggle but one I am willing to face this year and to work on one moment at a time.  

4.  Know and Express my truth.  My truth is not necessarily someone else's truth but to be my truest self and be able to express that without being bulldozed and also without becoming less of who I am has always been a struggle.  I have always feared not being liked...I tried to avoid being hated...and ya know what I am hated anyway and worse thing is that if I lose myself while trying to please others I also start to hate myself.  Maybe I need to start knowing myself, expressing myself and stop hiding from the results of that...I am who I apologies.  This blog and the other writings I am planning for this new year will hopefully be the start of allowing an honest expression of me.  By the way in no way do I think that this means I should talk more...sometimes this may mean I need to shut my mouth...I am known to over express opinions...that is not the same thing as expressing my truth...sometimes expressing truth means just being...listening...acting...who knows only the moment will tell...

5.  Give more.  I have such abundance in my life and this year I would like to give more and more of it away.  Although this blog seems to be about me acquiring things for my home, I actually have much to give from this home.  I also would like to give of the knowledge I have...hopefully some of the little wisdom I have on home and awakening the self.